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In this section, Biographica, are included short biographies of several naturalists, scientists, geographers, historians or travelers who appear in my works and that I have great admiration; without their contribution I would not have written anything.

Most of these people were very well known at his time, they were scholars of great value, really wise. In the case of the older, their views and comments of undeniable erudition, were held with fervor and indisputable way for centuries. Currently, in many cases, they remain in a discreet and unjust oblivion and I felt a great honor to rescue them and admire his work.

The meaning of these biographies is well understood if we read a fragment from Jean-Louis-Marc Alibert, one of the founders of the French dermatology, wrote in the introduction to his work "Dissertation sur les fièvres pernicieuses ou ataxiques intermittentes", published in 1807: "I don’t doubt that those who come after me add one day to the facts I've gathered, as I myself have added to those that I found in the works of my predecessors. Sciences are only completed by works assembled from the observers that occur in the duration of the centuries, and is not given to a lonely man to deep any entirely point of human knowledge”.

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